When many people begin exploring expanded states of awareness they are often plagued with self-doubt. That hasn’t been my problem.
My first out of body experience was so convincing and so consistent in detail that it pretty much removed doubt from mind. Since then I have operated under the principle that reality is the experience of the Self.
I know and trust my experiences as my experiences whether they occur in physical or nonphysical reality. If I’m alone at home and I spill coffee on the kitchen table I know it happened. I can clean up the mess and remove all the evidence, but I’ll still know it happened even if no else was there to confirm it. For me experiences in nonphysical reality possess a consistency of detail and context that feel as real as those in physical reality. Thus having a chat with a nonphysical spirit guide feels very similar to having a chat with a friend in a coffee shop. I don’t need my friend or my spirit guide to confirm my experiences. I know they’ve happened.
Still internal confirmation is different from external confirmation. What many people mean when they say “how do you know this is real?” is actually “how well do your experiences corroborate with external events that can be verified by others?”
The answer is: surprisingly well. Let me give you a few examples from across the years.